Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 157

Hey, everybody!
It's been a while since I've had a reflection. Here's a spring one. The spring one.

I was really looking forward to spring. But on the first spring day, God took my cousin away from me. My cousin didn't take care of himself. So until today, I had sad troubles. And I'm very tired. But the living have to move on...

It's even sadder that I'm alone in the country house right now. It's just that it's still cold and the house needs heating. My husband works in the city and can't do it, so I had to do it for now. I live with my cats. I have time to philosophize, think, read.... Now, today, it's rather unhelpful.

I'm watching hockey, though, trying to get my head around it. My favorite team is still losing (ayyyyyyy). I'm watching on TV, you can't buy tickets to the arena, there's a frenzy.

And the photo is springtime in St. Petersburg.

Peace and goodwill to all. And take care of yourselves!

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