Entry for Shadow Hunters Contest 238

Another week, another shadow hunt. This week, my entry for the Shadow Hunters Contest are these lovely, beautiful shadows of trees spotted while I was on my afternoon walk.

The day was hot and dry. Hence you have very sharp shadows. If the humidity was high, the shadows would not be so sharp.

Temperatures between under a very shady tree and being out in the open ​can vary as much as two degrees on an extremely hot day. Although the trees in the pictures are not very shady, what little shades they provide are still very much appreciated.

The brighter the light, the deeper the shadow. - Jay Kristoff

The Shadow Hunters Contest/SMASh is run by @melinda01011, and @annephilbrick is the judge of the contest. If you are interested in joining in the fun, check out the rewards and the rules of the contest 👉 HERE



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