Reflection Hunters 138: Anime Toys Displayed Inside A Coffee Shop

my photo entry
a closer look
this is the glass cabinet where the anime toys are being displayed

Good evening, everyone.

Today, my mom and I went to the beach after sunset to have some dinner. My mom was tired from doing chores, as was I, so we just decided to go dine out. The beach is close to our house, but we needed to hire a trike because it was already dark when we were ready to go out. If you take a trike, it would take like 5 minutes to get to the beach. There are a lot of restaurants, resorts, and cafes along the beach.

First, we had fishballs, walked to the seashore, and when we got tired, we went to the newly opened coffee shop owned by a Filipino celebrity named Maris Racal. Her coffee shop is located along the highway, which is also a few steps from the beach. My mom wanted to try their coffee, and I wanted to try their snacks. When we got there, we took photos right away. The cafe is so cute; it has anime paintings and cartoon characters like Doraemon, and my favorite was the anime toys displayed at the bar close to the cashier. I love anime, so I took some photos. I noticed that the toys reflect on the glass cabinet. I said this is perfect for @olgavita's Reflection Hunter Challenge, and this will be my entry for round 138.

That's all for tonight. Thank you for reading, and goodnight to all. I am tired and now sleepy. Happy weekend.

Your 10-year-old friend

October 28, 2023

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