Reflection from solar # my entry for the reflection hunter contest round no. 142

How are you all? Hope you all are doing well and enjoying yourself. I'm also good and extremely happy after hearing that i become bhua again. Yesterday morning a bunch of happiness come into our life. My brother & sister in-law blessed with baby boy second time. Welcoming a little cutie brings great joy to the heart.

Now let me come to the today's Post. Today again I'm going to participate in the reflection hunter contest round no. 142 Organised by @olgavita. If you also want to participate in this contest, please visit here.

Let's enjoy the reflection pictures πŸ˜‰

In our busy life we forget to go to terrace and spend some time peacefully. I also went to terrace rarely. Yesterday evening when i was went to my terrace for a while i felt very nice. I also found this beautiful reflection. Many times i shared reflection from water but this is first time when i captured reflection from solar. That was so mesmerizing to watch sunset rays reflection there.

Thank you so much @olgavita for this amazing contest πŸ™ which i always enjoyed to participate and seeing others entries.

Hope you all like my entry for this contest πŸ˜„.

Thanku so much for your time, support and love πŸ€πŸ’«

@mysteriousroad πŸ™

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