My entry for the shadow hunter contest round no. 301

Hello friends!

How are you all? Hope you all are good and enjoying Christmas celebration. I'm also good and enjoying my life.

Today once again i would like to participate in the shadow hunter contest round. 301 organised by @melinda010100 .

This contest reached at 301 , shows that how intresting it is and how beautifully mam organised and running it. Thank you so much @melinda010100 for this amazing contest.

If you also want to participate in this contest kindly visit here.

Here is my entry for this round no. 301 :

Today the sun shines bright and the weather is clean. Wind blowing but sun shining brightly so the feeling of cold is reducing. Just as we go to the temple every Saturday , we also went today.
As i entered in the temple i noticed the shadow of main gate of the temple. Because the sun shines bright i got the perfect shadow. I immediately captured it for this round 😜.

I love to click shadow and reflection pictures and always enjoying to share it with shadow hunter family 😊 I hope you like this gate shadow 😄

Thank you so much for your time, support and love 🤍✨🌸

@mysteriousroad 🙏🇮🇳

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