My entry for the reflection hunter contest round no. 132

Hello friends!
Welcome to my blog again. Again i am going to participate in the reflection hunter contest round no 132
Organised by @olgavita.

This picture taken by me last week when i visited to a temple. I felt so calm, relax and refresh there. I set there for 15-20 minutes, than i saw that reflection, i captured it for this contest 😁 my husband said nowadays you never miss any reflection & shadow picture ...haha ...

In this picture you can enjoy the reflection of pillars and grill. Outside there is a garden. Both inside and outside temple is so beautiful.

This is a Very interesting contest which i always enjoyed a lot. Thanks @olgavita for this amazing contest.

Hope you like this reflection picture and doing great. Today I'm bit off due to health issue. But I don't want to break the chain, so I'm here😁 i read in the book the secret of health that don't focus on illness. Just be happy , attract joy, realese negativity... you will be ok. Just focusing on perfect health and do everything you want to do. Don't stop. Disease is held in the body by thought , so don't give attention to the illness. Just be happy and stay healthy πŸ˜„

Thanku so much for your time, support and love ❀️


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