Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest-Round 272 no

Hello everyone, this is my entry for the Shadow Hunters/SMASh contest by @melinda010100, for the round 272. In case that you want to participate, contest just started today and here you can see post about it, as well as the rules.

While I was home a week ago, at my aunts place, I noticed beautiful shadows of one of her plants. It looks like tiny flowers even though its actually a climber plant, with some nice flower shaped leaves.

For whatever reason, my phone find it too hard to focus on the shadow, so most of the photos are kind of blurry, but my first photo in this post (my entry photo) is the clearest. Unfortunately I noticed that photos are clear later, while I was already home. Guess it's time to replace this 5 years old phone, or finally buy a proper camera :D On one of the photos you can also see a little bit of the plant.

Anyways, good luck to all the participants, and thank you for reading my post ^^

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