Reflection Hunters Contest: Round 86.

Hello Friends,

For my entry in the Reflection Hunter Contest: Round 86. How are you all? Hope everyone is well. I'm fine too. Today I have appeared before you with some new photography. Hope you all like it.

My reflection photography is a little different. Indoor pictures of roofs and trees reflected in water. I love it so much, that's why I captured these photos and shared them with you



I went from office to office for work. Then I finished work in that office. After that I was walking around that office a little bit. I was new to this office. So I looked well. Then I saw that a new house had been built. There was water inside the house. The reflection of the house and the trees were reflected in that water. I took some reflection photos. Then I will share it with you. I hope you will like it. Thank you all.

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