Just Thought. #Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 315

The impact of the economic hardship has been biting seriously but we remain grateful to God who is navigating us through. At least my children are not crying after me daily because of hunger. We are living at the mercy of God’s provisions. This is life. We are not created to be parasitic. There are parasites everywhere, but we are not parasites. We are to work and provide for ourselves and those with us.

There are many options to hold on to which are capable of supporting us through these harsh economic situations. One thing that I know is that the world is entering another phase. Economic situation of the world won't be the same anymore. So, it is left for us to navigate our lives through the forest we see ourselves, and we are determined, we will get to the road.

That is just a reflection of life in that aspect. I was in church and went to check on the signpost. Our signpost has been fading and needs a reprint. So, I was checking on it to see how I can't work that out. Being also a printer, it will be expected that the pastor should know what to do about the fading signpost 😊 While I was standing there, that was when I took these shadow pictures.

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