Cheering Up. #Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 323.

Good day to us all in #hive family and especially to #shadow hunters community. It's been great knowing that we are getting along very well with our daily life endeavors.

I woke up this afternoon and posed myself up for a shadow shot. To prepare this post for an entry into the #ShadowHunters SMASh Contest round 323. The contest is so fun. Share a shadow picture with us Here

I said, I posed to take a shadow image of me. 😃 Yes, I did! We should learn to make ourselves happy. We should not allow the stress of the day's work to eat up our joy. Joy can't be bought from the market. Nobody will make you happy. You must consciously push yourself up irrespective of what happens.

Many people don't believe in themselves. They feel like there are some people who are indebted to them. Nobody is indebted to you even in the blockchain here. You have the sole responsibility of pushing yourself til you get to where you are going.

I choose to set up myself to be who I want to be and to achieve what I need. So, cheer yourself up.

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