A Little For My Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Entry. #Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 332

Hello Hivians! Hello friends in the #Shadow Hunters Community. This is another week and another opportunity to engage with our favorite community. Hunting shadows could be fun. Many thanks to @melinda010100 for putting us through such exercise like this.

The Exercise

It is a lovely exercise going around in search for shadows. Exercise helps in keeping our body healthy. So, shadow hunting exercise is indisputably helping in making us healthy.

The Fun

Sometimes we just have to set up our shadow apparatus to be able to capture the image that is real fun. We sometimes play with the intelligence of the children while setting them up to capture the shadow image.

The Coordination

We must be very coordinated to be able to sight and capture lovely shadows. Sometimes, we just need to be alert, looking out for possible shadow scenes.
Another thing that calls out our coordinating faculties is the fact that the sun does not shine all day in most of our locations. So, we watchfully wait for when we get the shining sun to capture our shadow images.

The Uniqueness

The uniqueness of this contest is one exceptional feature it possesses. Why aren't we just capturing a normal picture? Why is it specifically shadows? That is unique and exceptional.

#Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 332 ishere

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