Time limited Reflections of the past


Shadows, amazing things and have always captivated our imagination. As if another world remains hidden amongst the darkness. Like us they are limited and only here for short bursts of time.

Throughout history shadows have been associated with darkness and evil often believed to have the ability to take hold of their host and possess them. Witch craft in some parts of the world focused on harming ones shadow as the belief was that if one's shadow was harmed it would inflict pain on the person and that it was also possible to kill someone by removing their shadow.

With all that in play it leaves a mysterious thought of one's shadow, I do know better and how light reflects and can't bend which gives us our shadow but they are still an amazing phenomenon.

I've spent alot of time alone in my younger years with just me and my shadow, it holds alot of my secrets and thoughts about life and times gone by. I've had some pretty dark times in life and through those times my shadow was there.

As if appearing in the darkest moments of our lives a reminder of our darkness, no matter how fast we run it trails as if chasing us. We're never able to escape it unless we are in total darkness ourselves.

The nights I spent alone talking to my shadow I learned alot about myself, how I think, how I see the world and who I was as a person.


It's hard to get a view of ourselves as we are designed to look out from within in and not within from out. Your shadow is quite often your constant reminder that you are in fact an object, a living breathing thing on this earth and quite often our only view of ourselves.


Source: Canva

Rather than a direct copy like a reflection, our shadows are an outline of our selves, a projection of one's self. You can alter your shadow by attaching things to it giving a merging of yourself. Placing a crown upon your head, fake wings on your back, you can make it taller, smaller and it will merge into you. As if consuming it and being you.

A reflection will always tell the truth, what you add will only ever be an addition and never allow you to mold yourself into what you want to be. A reflection does not care and it's honesty at times hurts.

Source: Canva

A shadow is ageless and beauty less but beautiful at the same time, you can escape to it and fill in its shades with who you want to be. It will help you project the you, you want to be. A tool to work towards.

By our side for our entire time on this rock, it's the only thing that is truly with us and at times it will provide you a view of yourself that helps you along. As if knowing that you need help, when you feel weak it appears in such a large, strong, bold figure. As if to say This IS You.

Shadows have long been researched not just for their light blocking but for their connection to spirituality, psychology and connection to one self.

Something, I have always been drawn to.

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