Reflection Hunters 144- I Reflect Strength

I've been in this community for so long but I seriously have not understood for once what the reflections contest is all about.

Is it just to take pictures of reflections?
If we do then what next?
Don't we get to write something or do we just write anything we wish or like?
If we're to write something about the picture then I guess it has to be something meaningful or is it just all about the picture?

Well today while I was scrolling through my gallery, I found some mirror reflective pictures I took months back and I thought to myself that this is just one perfect picture to join the contest but the question is what do i write on.

I could do some poems and that wouldn't be bad.
I could talk about journeys of life and how we don't have to look back to get distracted and look back to our past. Since the picture was taken while I was on the road trip and the mirror is showing a reflection of miles we've passed.

Or maybe I can try something different too.

But I don't want to do any of that because staring at this picture reminded me of something, something worthy of starting my day with.

On the particular day this picture was taken, that was the day I got to hear my closest friend who is behind the scene in this picture. Actually he was the one driving. That was the day I heard him say clearly to me and for the first time that if there's something he has learnt from me that will be the act of staying calm in troubled situations.

And for someone like me that grew up feeling inferior and thinking that I can never make an impact. That was a huge win for me.

So for me this picture isn't about the mirror and it's reflections but it's about a day I got to know that to a friend I don't reflect weakness but strength.

Strength in troubled times.
Thanks .

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