Woman's anguish - Show me a shadow - Shadow Contest/SMASh (round 245)

Hello dear Hivers!

Photography is all about light. And when you have the golden light of dusk, you're holding the major tool to create golden photographs! The time shortly after sunrise and before sunset is in fact called "Golden hour". I was at the right place, at the right time, I found the right frame, I had the right setting and the right model, and like so, I created this image!

I'd like to note that this picture has not been at all edited, it is the very original product, the initial shot from my camera.

Photography is art and like all art, it can elicit powerful feelings. Shadows in particular have pronounced effect on the atmosphere that a picture gives off. To me, this image triggers a bundle of emotions, since, being the photographer, I can also relate to the very time I staged it and I captured it. I would rather not share it with you so as not to aim you towards a certain direction. Instead, I'd love to read what kind of emotions and impressions the picture evokes to you. You're more than welcome to drop a comment with your thoughts.

I am new in Hive and within this short period of time, this place doesn't cease to amaze me with its wonderful communities, kind people, creative art, inspiring contests. Thanks to @palomap3, I came across this shadowy community and this amazing weekly contest! Big thanks to @melinda010100 for organizing the contest. Hive on!

If you wish to participate, here's the link to this week's contest

Thanks a lot for reading.

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