My Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest - Round 115

“That's how it all happens, one reflex after another after another. It's just a vast system of reflexes. And they form a "structure" as they become more rigid.”

David Bohm

Reflection Hunters Contest

These last two weeks have been marked by cloudy skies and rainy days, a sign that the country is entering the rainy period that previously extended from early May to mid-October, although now with all the problems associated with global warming, this period has changed, and may be shortened or extended beyond the usual.

A few days ago, as I was walking to my car to leave, I noticed this reflection on the pavement of the parking lot of the building where I live, in a puddle formed as a result of the rain that had fallen on the city in the early hours of the morning.

All the Photos are of my Authorship, as well as the Edition of the same ones.

This is my entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest. This is an initiative of @olgavita. I hope you enjoy it.


Camera: Samsung Galaxy A12
Photo Editor: Picsart / Snapseed
Location: Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela
Date: 10-05-2023

Si les gustó este Post, los invito a apoyar mi trabajo siguiendo mi cuenta @manuelgil64 dejando sus comentarios y votando


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