Shadow Hunters SMASh 286 "USB Mp3 player" [ESP-ENG]

En el episodio 286 de cazadores de sombras, surgió en una conversación con @palomap3 como debia yo combatir el ruido que hacian mis vecinos. Y es que yo le comente a mi amiga que la gente que vive encima de mi son unos abusadores que se la pasan haciendome ruidos molestos a todas horas. Y algo que es muy desagradable es el esta durmiendo y que te despiertes de repente, asustado por ese ruido.

Ella me sugirió que pusiera una música con audífonos o algo para no escuchar el ruido, y yo enseguida le explique que usaba un viejo reproductor de mp3 (que por cierto ahorita no tiene baterías, debo adquirirlas), para evadir el ruido, pero que eso tampoco era suficiente. Y entonces se me ocurrió traer la fotografía de la sombra de ese mp3 player el día de hoy , para participar con ella.

Hoy invito a @buiitre y @rosmiapure a participar con sus sombras, que me gustaría ver lo que traen.

In episode 286 of Shadowhunters, it came up in a conversation with @palomap3 how I should combat the noise my neighbors were making. And I told my friend that the people who live above me are abusers who keep making annoying noises at me at all hours. And something that is very unpleasant is he is sleeping and you wake up suddenly, scared by that noise.

She suggested that I play music with headphones or something to not hear the noise, and I immediately explained to her that I used an old mp3 player (which by the way doesn't have batteries right now, I should buy them), to avoid the noise, but that It wasn't enough either. And then it occurred to me to bring the photograph of the shadow of that mp3 player today, to participate with it.

Today I invite @buiitre and @rosmiapure to participate with their shadows, I would like to see what they bring.

Allí en mi zona de trabajo, pueden ver el reproductor usb que proyecto una sombre sobre un rollo de papel sanitario, que siempre tengo a mano para limpiarme los ojos, o cualquier cosa que sea necesaria.

La sombra es sutil, y se combina con la sombra del borde del monitor del PC, creando una combinación de sombras, que definitivamente parece como un dedo humano muy grande apoyándose sobre algo.

There in my work area, you can see the USB player that casts a shadow on a roll of toilet paper, which I always have on hand to wipe my eyes, or whatever is necessary.

The shadow is subtle, and combines with the shadow of the edge of the PC monitor, creating a shadow combination, which definitely looks like a very large human finger resting on something.

Translated with Simple Translate by Sienori.
(Using the google translate API)

This is my black cat "manclar", this hive name account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).

The divisor is made by @albiro2050, if you want one made in your style, visit him and he will gladly take care of your commission.

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