Shadow Hunters /SMASh Contest - Round 298

(Esta es una publicación bilingüe, puedes ver la versión en castellano al final del post)

They look like ghostly figures, but they are the parents and godparents of a girl who was baptized today and as soon as the Mass was over they approached the altar to take photos.

I was in the sacristy and I realized how interesting its shadows were and here I am sharing it with you for this week.

If you want to participate in this contest organized by @melinda010100, find out its rules by clicking here

Versión en castellano

Parecen figuras fantasmales, pero son los padres y padrinos de una niña a la que bautizaron hoy y apenas terminar la Misa se acercaron al altar a tomarse fotos.

Yo estaba en la sacristía y me di cuenta de lo interesante de sus sombras y acá estoy compartiéndola con ustedes para esta semana.

Si deseas participar en este concurso convocado por @melinda010100 entérate de sus bases haciendo clic acá

Muchas gracias por visitar mi blog y leer mi post. Espero que esta sea una semana llena de cosas buenas para ti y tu familia. Dios te bendiga.

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"Gana algo de dinero haciendo publicidad y sigue a @advertisingbot2"

Thank you very much for visiting my blog and reading my post. I hope this be a week full of good things for you and your family. God bless you,

Your visit to my blog is very important to me, I hope you liked my photography work and leave with the intention of returning..

Fotos propias tomadas con celular Krip K55H /Own photos taken with Krip K55H Cell Phone

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