My post to SMASh Contest- Round 325

**(This is a bilingual publication, you can see the English version at the end of the post)

Me gustan mucho las sombras de líneas y barras. Cuando se entrecruzan el efecto visual y estètico es realmente fenomenal.

En este caso el origen de la sombra es un pequeño andamio utilizado para cambiar la puerta de un garage. Tuve la suerte de pasar justo cuando los obreros habían ido a comer y no tuve que dar explicaciones del por qué estaba fotografiando el andamio.

**English version **

I really like the line and bar shadows. When they intersect, the visual and aesthetic effect is truly phenomenal.

In this case the origin of the shadow is a small scaffolding used to change a garage door. I was lucky enough to pass by just when the workers had gone to lunch and I didn't have to explain why I was photographing the scaffolding.


If you have not yet participated in this contest organized by @melinda010100, I invite you to do it.

You will discover the beauty hidden in the shadows that did not catch your attention before.

You can read the contest rules by clicking here

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