Here's My Entry To Shadow Hunters Community Contest/SMASh - Round 213

Los pintores a veces - dependiendo del país en que se encuentren - se quejan del alto costo de los lienzos. Los muralistas buscan la pared adecuada, de la altura específica, que sea lisa, que no sea rugosa, para plasmar su obra de arte.
Pero capturé esta sombra que ¿Quién me discutirá que es tan hermosa como una obra de arte? Y el soporte fue algo tan humilde como el asfalto o pavimento de la calle. En la
segunda foto observen las chicas que me miraban cuando vieron que saqué el celular para fotografiar..."el suelo" según ellas, ya distinguían la sombra... me hubiera pasado igual meses atrás, hasta que conocí a "Shadow hunters"

Painters sometimes - depending on the country they are in - complain about the high cost of canvases. Muralists look for the right wall, of the specific height, that is smooth, that is not rough, to capture their work of art.
But I captured this shadow that who will argue with me that it is as beautiful as a work of art? And the support was something as humble as the asphalt or pavement of the street.
In the second photo look at the girls who looked at me when they saw that I took out my cell phone to photograph..."the ground" according to them, since...they could not distinguish the shadow... the same thing would have happened to me months ago, until I met " shadow hunters"

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