The Stair Shadows - SMASH 327

Hello everyone. It's another shadow hunting week and I guess you've been having fun doing so.

Today I'm not going to share to share any street or sneaky shadows, hehehe. These ones are just different kinds of shadows, not so spectacular, though but still appealing to the eyes.

So I was at the church for choir practice and on getting to the stairs, I was met with this sight, oh, what a fluffy shadow.

I just like the zig zag shadows the rails made on the tiled staireays, looks captivating, if you ask me.
This is the stairs I've been walking up and down on but haven't noticed how beautiful the shadows make it look.

Here's another one, even the flower beside the rail also showed up. That's one thing with the sun, it doesn't spare anything once it's up, shadows must appear everywhere.

This is actually the original looks, had to add color effect so the shadows become pronounced.

View from another angle. A little bit of green by the side isn't so bad, don't you think?

Then to the next one. This one is by the Marian grotto. Just had to concentrate on the shadow side of it.

Okay guys, that's all I've got to show you on this round. Hopefully will catch captivating ones next time. But I hope you like these ones, even if it's a tiny bit. 😅

See you when I see you and thanks for showing up here. Ciao!

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

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