Merged Shadows - Smash Contest Round 318

Good tidings I bring to you dear friends as I welcome you to my blog again. It's been a while here, hope you all are doing and and hunting all the shadows, lol. I tell you it's not so easy to hunt down motion shadows,, hehehe. Well I was able to hunt and capture some today and here I am to share it with you and I hope they will please your eyes. 😂

These photos were captured around 17:00hrs today at the church environment. It was early evening so the sun was still up and the weather was very hot but that didn't stop our event. Today was an auspicious day as I witnessed the solemn dedication of the church where I worship, St Ambrose Parish, Aba..Witnessing a church dedicating is usually one in a lifetime opportunity as it takes decades for a church to be dedicated and it's only done once. The celebration was a great went so success and as I was leaving for home, I stopped to exchange greetings with this my village aunt and while we were at it, I was greeted with these shadow too, lol. That's double blessing.
I dived in to capture the much I can but the funny thing is that none of the noticed what I was doing.

Here we go.

Taking a closer look at the photo, the shadow beside the woman looked as if it has two heads, what a perfect shot. The little boy is part of the shadow while another person was blocked by the woman.

Here's another one of a kind. See how the shadow of the lady bumped into that of the girl and they became one lol.

More shadow merging, hehehe.

Did you notice anything here? Someone was busy taking pictures without knowing that another person was taking photos of her too.
What a sneaky shadow hunter you are, Luchyl, lol

What do you think about this building, magnificent, right!. That's the church building that was dedicated today. See how it stood looking so beautifully adorned just like a new bride. When I was snapping the photo of the church, my focus was getting a good shot that I didn't even notice the man standing there. It was while I was going through the pictures that I saw it, and I guess it made a perfect shot.

Well I couldn't let her go without having a last snapshot of her. 😂 And we have come to the end of the shadow hunting for today, I hope you enjoyed it.

See ya soon. Bye for now.

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

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