SMASH 267: Wandering around on Holiday.

It's been a hot day, not because I am hot but because the temperature rose to 36 degrees earlier! ROASTED 🤣 As of the writing, I am sitting at my working table in my room at 32 degrees. However, the advantage was our laundry quickly dry no struggles.

It was different here in Manila, unlike in our home in Batangas. It was colder than I even slept with my blankets on at night. I am so excited and looking forward to my long vacation this month, eight days from now.

I went out yesterday to buy some things I needed at Taytay, a well-known marketplace for fashionable, affordable RTWs.

The sun was striking hot though it was only eight in the morning while I was walking to the bus station. Good thing this time I remembered an umbrella. It was beside the well-known mall that opens at ten in the morning, so only a few people were walking by.

And so, I got a chance to capture several shadows!

Shadow of the post, the iron grills used to block the way for some reason, and my shadows while taking a photo.

And this metal chain attaches to what you call this one?🤣.


Thankful, there was no long queue of passengers, and I got a ride after waiting a few minutes. The travel somehow was a relief; the road was not congested. It took only a less of hour travel.

I finally arrived at my destination and needed to cross the other side of the road through an overpass. Look what I saw;

And I captured a lot of shadows again, and I paused for a while to choose which one would be my entry in Show Me A Shadow - Round 267, hosted by @melinda010100.

Which do you think?

Hmmm, this one I like the most, 👇👇

Have you noticed the shadows of small plotted plants hung in the iron grills? That made it not a boring one.

**Hello, everyone; how was your day? Did you go out recently? Perhaps you captured shadows, wann joined SMASH?

Lead image was edited using Canva
All photos are mine
Footer credit to Sensiblecast

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