I'm on my way (SMASh)


Hope so your Sunday going so well!!!

I planned this weekend to spend outside from house with my sister's, and now I'm on my way πŸ˜‰πŸ’«

Weather is much pretty here, although it's sunny but cool breeze is blowing too. At 8 am we left our house to travel another city to explore something new with my sister's.

We stayed at motorway for having breakfast for a while but there's no crowd of people, although it's holiday but i think they decided to spend holiday at home. There's few people at service station and I feel comfortable there to click some public photo huhhh that's my introvert side.

  • There are two types of table for sitting arrangements, i love the white table but my mom already sits on other one so we had our breakfast there.

As it's holiday, and i want to spend my time with family but than i see that little shadow of glass and leave clicked by me so i decided to post in shadow hunters community. I always think to capture shadow to post in community but than I'm confused that which one will be the best shadow.

Here, it's my entry picture for SMASh. Hope so you people also like it.

But, it's my first time that I'm writing a post in a car and it's a new experience for me as well.

All the images are captured by me.

Thank you for your time and support πŸ’«πŸ€

Have a happy weekend dear hivian's

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