Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest - My first reflection.

This is my entry photo.

My first reflection.

Some time ago I saw the publication of the contest, and I always wanted to participate, but the photos I managed to take almost never came out very well, but I was always something pending to take a picture where you could see a good reflection, this time I did my best to take a good picture focusing on that big building reflected in the puddle of a parking lot.

I must say that to take that picture, it was something unusual, I was leaving that parking lot where some friends live, when the car was in reverse I could see through the rearview mirror the reflection of my car, but I could also see how the building was reflected, so I immediately stopped to find a good position to take the picture.

I had to frame the focus of my cell phone camera, because if I moved too much to the right, the building in the reflection would be out of focus, but also if I moved too much to the left, the building would be out of focus, I was looking for the exact position, that also included coloring the cell phone so that it was not too high and not too close to the puddle.

Honestly, it was a very satisfying experience to be able to achieve the focus so that the reflection of the building would come out in the photo, but in a way that the building itself could also be seen.

I will continue my search for good reflections for future contests, hunting for a reflection.


Here is the link to the contest created by @olgavita, so that you have the necessary information to participate.

I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun trying to catch some good reflections.

Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 126 Announcement 🎺!


Just dedicate yourself to be happy in every second. To be happy you just have to make your own decision.


"Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero"

“Enjoy the day and don't rely on tomorrow.”

This phrase - by the Roman poet Horace


"Constantly evolving, the world is mine."

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