My Entry for Round 241 of the Shadow Contest/SMASh

Here are some recent shadows that I captured. The first image is my entry for "Show Me A Shadow," the weekly contest created by @melinda010100, judged by @annephilbrick, and brought to you by the Shadow Hunters Community - hive-179017. If you want to show off your shadow photos, you will find details on this week's SMASh contest here.

It's raining this morning and most days where I live are replete with clouds but, despite that, we're in the midst of a drought. We're only allowed to irrigate our lawns once every two weeks for a three hour period. We can, however, hand water, use a soaker hose, or use drip irrigation any time we want. This is me on a hot, October day trying to keep my front lawn somewhat green.

The next couple of images are of my wife, granddaughter, dog and me walking around the neighborhood:

And one of me and my dog walking on the beach:

To round out this shadow collection, here are some images of my wife and me casting shadows:

Thanks for looking, and happy shadow hunting!

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