Entry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh - The dog and its family

As I have mentioned before, this is my first time having a pet, and so far it has been a great experience. The truth is that my wife and I have really turned our lives around, focusing on many things that are related to the care of our puppy.

Taking time to go to the park for him to play with other dogs, for example.

The following photo will be the one I will participate with in the Shadow Hunters Community Contest/SMASh- ROUND 205.


Image of my autorship / Captured with my Redmi Note 8 Phohe

Note that in the title I put "The dog and his family" and not the opposite. Because obviously we are. He is separated from his family from the age of two months, and obviously he depends on us for food and care, so obviously, although it is not possible to communicate verbally with him, I feel that he sees us as that. As his family.

In the same way for us he is already part of ours, which until a few months ago it was always just me and my wife.


Image of my autorship / Captured with my Redmi Note 8 Phohe

Benji, our pet, is still a puppy, but he is growing fast, but he deserves to play with other dogs, because he is still an animal, and no matter how secure he feels with us, he must let go a little to be able to interact as nature dictates.

And yes, although the pictures show his shadow always by our side, the truth is that he runs, barks, falls down, gets up, and enjoys a lot in the park with other dogs.


Image of my autorship / Captured with my Redmi Note 8 Phohe

All images are my own, captured with my Redmi Note 8 phone and edited with Adobe Photoshop Express. Captured in the city of Bogota on 05/02/2022.

This publication is configured with a 10% beneficiary rate for the Shadow Hunters Community.


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