Shadow Hunters Community Contest round 275

Hello everyone.
Welcome to my entry post to shadow Hunters Community Contest round 275 by @melinda010100

It was good old days where we got a lot of sunshine, like one we thought could have melt us all in this part of the world.
But look at us now, in the cold with little or no sunshine at all in some days.
I bet some must have complained a lot about the present weather.

Well that's by the way.
I captured these shadow photos in the early hours of the morning, where the sun was up high.

The sun wasn't harsh, as I was walking but all I saw were flashes of lots of shadows.

[Here is my entry photo]

I tried as much as I can not to include my shadow here, but it didn't work.
Flashes of shadows everything

Amongst all I was able to select these ones.

Thank you very much for checking out your humble girl blog.

All photos are taken with my Android mobile phone

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