Two Friends Catching Up: Shadow Hunters Community SMASh Contest- Round 326

Friend 1: "Hey buddy, it's been quite a while! How have you been and how's your family doing?"

Friend 2: "Hello I know, right? I've been pretty good, my family too! Just busy with work and stuff. How about you? Everything going well uh...?

Friend 1: "It's the same here. Work has been crazy, and it's like I am long overdue for a break... hehehe".

I guessed these two friends haven't seen each other for quite awhile and the mood I saw them in as I walked past to a nearby shop to get some provisions, proved that. After I got my provisions, I walked past them again on my way home and I just felt that they were sharing updates about their lives, discussing their jobs, the challenges of the present times. I'm sure they must have also expressed a desire to spend more time together in the future. I found their silhouettes very intriguing as I walked past them but this was another opportunity for me to hunt for shadows.... hehehehe.

This is my entry for Shadow Hunters contest ~ Round 326

You can participate here

Thank you @melinda010100 for this Contest.

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