[ESP/ENG] My participation for the Shadowhunters/SMASh Contest - Round 202

I was sitting quietly in the garden with my little niece under a bright sun when she decided to play with the water. Specifically, she wanted to bathe her toys and while doing so we suddenly saw a turtledove coming down to eat near us.
My niece was immediately excited and got up to approach the bird. But I ordered her to stay still, luckily she listened to me and I was able to take this sequence of photographs that I loved.
Obviously, the first one is the one I chose to participate in the Shadowhunters/SMASh Contest - Round 202, every week I try to participate with you. I liked the first image because it looks like the turtledove is saying:

"Because he's taking pictures of me!!!".

Estaba sentada tranquilamente en el jardín con mi sobrina pequeña bajo un sol radiante cuando ella decidió jugar con el agua. Concretamente, quería bañar a sus juguetes y mientras lo hacía vimos de repente una tórtola que bajaba a comer cerca de nosotros.
Mi sobrina se emocionó inmediatamente y se levantó para acercarse al ave. Pero le ordené que se quedara quieta, por suerte me hizo caso y pude hacer esta secuencia de fotografías que me encantó.
Obviamente, la primera es la que elegí para participar en el Concurso Shadowhunters/SMASh - Ronda 202, cada semana intento participar con vosotros. Me ha gustado la primera imagen porque parece que la tórtola está diciendo:

"¡¡¡Porque me está haciendo fotos!!!".





I hope you like this shade as much as I do, it gives me tremendous peace to watch birds 😌.

Espero que les guste esta sombra tanto como a mí, me da una paz tremenda observar aves 😌.


Banner created in Canva

images of the turtledove are my property

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