Shadows of Life (Shadow Contest/SMASh)

June 6, 2022

First of all, Happy Monday guys. I suddenly missed making acrostic articles, so here it is. And this topic was formed in my mind after reading @ifarmgirl entry to the Shadow Hunters contest. So this will gonna be my entry too.

(Time of writing: 06/05/22, Sunday)

Sunday is my favorite day, of course, because it's my holiday! Aside from the fact that I could extend sleeping, I could travel to places and do things I want to. Ever since I decided to extend my contract here for some reason, I have opted to enjoy my life at any cost because making it serious and complicated won't help at all.

However, it is undeniable that our life is tough and challenges are inevitable. But, it is also short so we should live happily each day. Regardless of the challenges, we shouldn't forget to smile and appreciate the beauty of life and the world. It is easier said than done, but the more you mind your problems in life, the more complicated they become. Why not let your problems problem them?

And this day, there was no travel galore, because I opted to rest and enjoy the moment. So to my favorite park, I went and rested the whole day while enjoying the tranquil view and fresher air. The weather was so perfect. I wished I had left the house earlier and visited a more beautiful place outside our city. Yet, this park offered a scenic view, so I still enjoyed this day.


Dark shadows everywhere in the park reminded me of shadows of life. Some people are still living behind their shadows and feel like the world is always unfair to them. There were moments in my life that I felt the same and I felt like I was always not good enough, still striving to be noticed by the world and for my hard work to be appreciated by the people I know.


Oftentimes, I would struggle and I feel like I'm always stepping behind the shadow of another. I feel like I'm always left behind and it seems impossible to find my way out of the shadow, it seems impossible to step up like others. Where can I see the light again? Or step in my own shadow? I always thought.

Whatever I did during those days, it seemed not enough for others, and to myself. Years passed, and I was still stuck in dark shadows. Until I got suffocated, so I pulled out some courage and started to take a step. One at a time, slowly, and little by little, I was following a shadow again. This time, it was mine, and not others.

Stepping out of other people's shadows was relieving and I felt lighter and free. I saw the light again that casts my own shadows. Although my life was still tough, better than those days I was stuck in the dark shadows of others.


"Our life is but a walking shadow," William Shakespeare said. And unless we learn how to deal with our shadows, we would always be stuck in other people's shadows and we would never see and appreciate the light behind us that cast our shadows.

For our life is constantly changing and forming different shadows, but without light, in the end, it is useless. So we should not just look at our shadows, but at light as well.

LIFE may be tough and dark days are inevitable. Yet, it is worth noting that, "there is no light without a shadow, as there is no happiness without pain".

20220605_165503_0000.pngThis will be my photo entry to the contest

So don't fear your shadows and don't ever feel you are not good enough. Do not step on other people's shadows, rather, step on your own and just play with your shadows. Because even those dark dim figures have a purpose in our life, and that is for us to notice the light as well.

Have you noticed the acrostic (highlighted letters)? You can try this kind of writing too šŸ˜.

(All photos are mine)


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