Shadow Hunters SMASh/Contest Round - 208: My shadow.

Hello beautiful people of #ShadowHunters, especially to our dear friend @melinda010100, I hope you are well. If you want to participate in the contest this the link.

This is my entry:

I took this photo on Thursday, it was the carnival queens parade (which I missed seeing), it was 5:30pm and the sun was very strong and there were shadows everywhere. I really liked the shade provided by these two people so I took the opportunity to take the picture to share it with you today. I wish you a nice day.

Hola gente bella de #ShadowHunters, especialmente a nuestra querida amiga @melinda010100, espero se encuentren bien. Sí deseas participar en el concurso este el enlace.

Esta es mi entrada:

El día jueves tomé esta foto, era el desfile de las reinas de carnaval (que me perdí de ver), eran las 5:30pm y el sol estaba muy fuerte y habían sombras por todos lados. Me gustó mucho la sombra que proporcionaban estás dos personas que aproveché la oportunidad de sacarle la foto para compartirla hoy con ustedes. Les deseo un lindo día.


Text and photo are my authorship. Text translated with DeepL. Picture taken with my Xiaomi Redmi 8. Banners created with Picsart Gold.

El texto y la foto son de mi autoría. Texto traducido con DeepL. Foto tomada con mi Xiaomi Redmi 8. Banners creados con Picsart Gold.




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