Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 122 | Reflections of South Park

Hello, friends!
Coming to Kaliningrad, I like to walk along its parks, islands and embankments. One of my favorite places to walk is South Park. In this park, it is pleasant to wander along the shady alleys or sitting on a bench to watch the ducks and swans swimming in the park ponds.

With three ponds and several medieval moats filled with water, the park is the perfect place to hunt for reflections. The water in the ponds is almost always calm and riverside bushes and trees are reflected in its mirror-like surface.

And in the water of the former fortress ditches, the remains of fortress walls and ravelins are reflected.

The most picturesque time here is October, when golden and red trees coexist with the blue of the sky and water. This time I was in Kaliningrad in May and the dominant color was green.

But in the ponds, in addition to ducks, many ducklings swam, they had already grown up a little, were quite independent, but at the first danger they hurried to their mother duck.

On the outskirts of the South Park, there is the Friedlane Gate, where the museum of the city's history is located. The museum presents various items from knightly armor to a tram.

I submit this photos for participation in the Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 122 by @olgavita

Camera​: Nikon 1 S1, Samsung Galaxy A10
Location: Russia, Kaliningrad

Friends, thank you for your attention, see you soon.
Best regards @irvet

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