The Setting Sun, The Garden Bridge and a Pond

It's Tuesday and we are now home from the trip. The day was rainy which is quite odd because we're already in the dry season. But it's good! We welcome it of course! We learned that it also rained yesterday so we say it's nature's blessing on a new year :)

Anyway, we were by the seafront on the 31st for a relaxing walk and the sunset caught up with us, or rather, we intentionally waited for it to happen. This shot was taken there - the setting sun got reflected in one of the parked car's rearview mirrors.

My brother's youngest daughter even did some poses with it (which I'm not allowed to share online, lol)! But I love that they do know how to appreciate nature and its displays.

On the first day of the year, we went to visit one of the attractions (called Baluarte) in Vigan City where the following shots were photographed. We just came from the crocodile park and passed by the bridge and the little water that had accumulated on the ground mirrored the wooden rails along with some bamboo in the surroundings.

My niece Ahjay even came back when she noticed that I was photographing things there and asked what was it. I challenged her to find what it was. "Aah, I know. You were taking photos of the bridge shadows! I see them in the water!"

Well, she's half correct, lol! "They're reflections, not shadows," said I. The little girl is always inquisitive which is good.

After coming out of that place, we proceeded to another city to meet my sister's college friend. They invited us over for lunch and then we went to a resort afterward where we spent some time swimming, eating, and chitchatting. I was in the car packing our wet swimwear when I noticed the palm trees from the distance and the pond as well.

Naturally, I took some shots, and below are just two of them. My phone camera's zoom feature has limited reach, hence, the not-so-sharp photos. I do love the reflection of the trees and sky in the water.

Here's what the place looked like from where I was standing at that time. There was overgrown grass which was already drying and I had to stand on my toes to capture some photos of the pond, lol!

Anyhow, we stayed there until it was almost 6 in the evening and enjoyed watching another sunset from our rented hut. More people were arriving so we decided it was time to go. Here's to share a photo of the setting sun.

This is my participation in Round 148 of the Reflection Hunters challenge by Olgavita. Thank you for this initiative which allows us to share some captures of mirrored stuff. It's always fun to hunt for them!

All photos are my own. 02012024/21:20ph

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