Reflection of a Reflection (Round 69)

Hello, hunters! How's your weekend going so far?

It's a beautiful one here with lots of sunshine which of course is my favorite kind of day. Would be going outdoors in a while for some air and for a short walk too. The body definitely needs it.

Anyway, here's to share some reflection captures taken in April while at another town. Not the best shots but the memories these photos carry are quite something :)

Our cars were blocked by other people who decided to double park behind us and there was no way we can get out of the parking space so I decided to go around the area hoping I'd find someone who could help identify the car owners just so we could go home.

And while walking around, I noticed these reflections on a car's side mirror and I just had to take some shots.

And here's the reflection of the reflection, hehe! Forgive me for the poor quality of the photo. I wasn't patient enough to capture a better one.

I cartoonized this last photo just for fun.

And I think you'd have guessed by now that this is my participation to the 69th Edition of Reflection Hunting by Olgavita.

Many thanks and have a glorious weekend everyone!

All photos are my own. 120622/11:33ph

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful ALWAYS!

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