Oh The Dinos! [SMASh 303]

Magandang buhay, frens! Whew! What a Friday, huh?

On New Year's Day, we visited Baluarte, a resort and mini zoo in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, and there, I got some cool shadows which I'm gonna be sharing today. The shots were taken where the place's signage was and there were giant statues of extinct mammals (dinosaurs).

And yep, some baby dinos too (wonder if I can even call them that, lol)! It was a very hot day and while my siblings and their kids were having fun taking photos (selfies and groupies) here and there, I was in my own world capturing some shadows.😅

Funny you'd say but yep, it's what I did in that spot. And I kinda like this shot below where the wee dino seemed to be patiently waiting for the lady to finish whatever she was doing. Well, that's just my interpretation of their shadows, lol!

Funny that this huge one had a small shadow but that's because of how and where I took the shot (wrong spot and angle).😅

And yep, this one had an awkward angle too, haha! I could have taken a better shot but I was feeling too lazy to walk behind the statue and took a snap from where I was standing. Told ya, I just point and shoot (especially when I'm already tired), lol!

Anyhow, this is my participation in Round 303 of the Show Me A Shadow challenge by Melinda.

I just got back home from my parents about an hour ago. Had an impromptu drive there this morning for important stuff that has something to do with property boundary disputes and such. I don't know about you but to me, it's funny (not really) when a neighbor makes a mess and accuses you of things due to greed when he doesn't even have the necessary documents to prove his claims and waste people's time.

But that would be a topic for another day. I'm pretty wasted now and would be hitting the sack early. Until then, happy Hiving!

All photos are my own. 05012024/20:35ph

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