Guardrails on a Stairway (SMASh #237)

It's Fri-Yay! Friday I mean :)

The weekend is waving in my side of the world and just a week left for the month of September, whew!

Anyway, I wouldn't want to miss the Shadow Hunters Challenge for the week and so here is my participation for Round 237.

Took these photos in the summer when we went to a hot spring out of town. We were descending through the narrow cemented footpath when I noticed the shadows of the pipe guardrails which immediately reminded me of the Shadow Hunters community.

I waited for the husband to go ahead and away from the scene so I'd be able to capture some clean shots. Looking at them today, I wished to have tried taking photos down the corner but perhaps the shadows would have been distorted? Or probably good too.

I think the guardrails worked multi-purpose, re: separating the pathway from the farm before it, also can be used by passersby to lean on to for a quick rest especially when ascending those flight of stairs and probably to guard anyone from falling off, lol!

And here are two closer range shots. My phone and arm shadows included plus half of my head, lol!

And I wouldn't miss to include the cute shadows of weeds growing by the side of the path. The jagged edge of the leaves are quite visible on the shade.

I'm glad such a great initiative exists here on Hive where we can share, see and showcase some fun and creative captures and learn from others too.

Thank you lots and I wish everyone a fantastic day (or night).

Photos are my own. 230922/08:30ph

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always!

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