Entry for shadow hunter contest # 312

Hey everyone
Hope you all are fine

This is my first entry to the Shadow hunter community.

Today was the last day of our games (distribution of prizes). I won the first position in the race. I am the fastest women in my university. I couldn't believe it when my name was called to receive the 1st position trophy because I was accompanied by 2 to 3 women who crossed the finish line and I thought I would come in 2nd and 3rd position. I couldn't believe it when I heard that I got the first position. I was very happy and started dancing 😂 and shouted.

I walked up to the stage and shook hands with my teacher and received the trophy. He said we are proud of you girl. Keep it up and make our name shine. A big smile on my face.
When I showed it to my family, they were surprised and happy. We celebrated my success

My first picture is my entry post

Thank you for your attention and support 🥰

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