Shadow Hunters 267 - Romance Aint Dead (maybe)

This is my post for shadow hunters this week. The pics were taken on the first day of our holiday in April. The evening the sun was shinning like a good-un and casting lovely long shadows down the street.

Thats my wife and I in the pic above, just as she is trying to lean in for a kiss - thats how lucky I am ! This is the photo I'm entering into the contest this week.

She did get a kiss, but I failed to take a decent photo - otherwise I would have entered this one !

And thats another pic of me, looking like I'm on stilts in the middle of the village. Look at that blue sky - it was lovely !

And thats me again, looking like I'm still wearing stilts and accompanied by two cloaked characters straight out of Lord of the Rings, or maybe thats just my wife and daughter !

Anyway, thats my shadow pics for this week. All the best to those who enter !

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