Reflection Hunters - Around Roseburn in Edinburgh

We spotted quite a few reflections while we were out for a few beers last weekend, so I thought I'd make a reflections hunters post with some of them.

The pic above is the one I'm entering for the competition this week. We were in the Roseburn bar, in Roseburn, Edinburgh and the table we were sat at had a mirror top - great for reflecting our drinks and crisps (chips) !

Heres another pic this time focusing on the pub ceiling !

It was also a beautiful day and the river (The Water of Leith) was still enough to be casting quite a few reflections in the sunshine. I like the one above because the building is being reflected in a different colour due to the shallow water taking on the hue from the orangey/brown riverbed. I'm also impressed with the dedicated graffiti artist who managed to get down on that step bank, which cant have been easy, to create his/her art !

Same stream a little further up reflecting some trees and blue skies.

Another shot by the graffiti but focusing on the other reflected side - not so great, but catching the sun nicely.

Well thats my reflections post for the week - best of luck to all the other entrants !!!

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