Cool clouds and reflections on the pond during our evening walk

My wife and I just went for a walk around our local park this evening, and there was some pretty cool cloud formations above the city, casting some nice reflections on the duck pond.

The pic above is the one I'm entering for reflection hunters this week. This shot was taken looking sort of south over the city (Edinburgh), and the clouds were reflecting nicely in the pond, even though the surface was not flat calm.

I also liked the view above. The low evening sun was starting to shine through the trees on the ridge to the right and that was reflecting nicely in the edge of the pond.

We quite enjoyed our walk around the pond and through the park. It was a nice way for us to relax after us both having a fairly heavy day at work.

We'd also come down to see how the swans and their cygnets were getting on. They are in the pic above. The cygents are nearly as big as the audlt swans now, but still have a mostly grey plumage. That will soon disappear and then they'll migrate south for winter. The adult pair will come back again next year to raise another brood.

As we worked our way up around the park, the sunset was starting to set over the rugby field. You cant really make it out in this pic (and I know its not a reflection pic), but there was a lady just by the rugby posts in the distance, with two gorgeous springer spaniel puppies. So we went and chatted to her for a while so we could play with the pups for 5 mins - lots of fun indeed !

Anyway, we had a lovely relaxing evening walk around the park, and we are glad we went out to enjoy it !

All pics taken on my moto g9 play mobile phone on standard automatic settings - point and click !

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