Amazing reflections along the river - reflection hunters 124

I went for a walk along the River Almond a few weeks back on a nice sunny evening and managed to catch some pretty cool reflections on the river.

The pic above is the one I'm entering for the contest. Its the Crammond Brig (bridge) reflecting nicely in the water - I like how you can even pick out the bridge detail in the reflection.

I also like the pic above, which makes me think of an owl ! It was hard to pick between the two when considering which picture to submit for the competition.

I was able to catch quite a lot of different reflections on the river that evening. I like the colours of the trees in the pic above, which I took at the start of the walk.

And then in the pic above you can see the same three trees, but taken at the end of the walk, so its later in the evening and the light has changed, which has changed the colours being reflected ! I'm actually quite surprised at how well I've captured the same scene, as they were taken about an hour apart, and I didnt mark anything out at the bank to allow me to go to the same position - it was just luck !

In the pic above you can see the green of the leaves, but in the reflection its quite dark, because its reflecting the underside of the leaves from the overhanging branches.

Above is a another clear reflection a little further up from the bridge.

And the pic above was taken at the end of the walk. Some ducks were swimming in the river and causing a ripple, which I caught before it reached the bridge.

And then right at the end of the walk I took one more pic, this time from up on the bridge looking further down the river - reflecting the trees along the bank quite nicely.

It was a really nice evening for a walk, and I enjoyed catching all the reflections in the river !!!

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