Show me a Shadows Hunters Contest Round 177

Happy new week to all the Hivers friends, first of all thank @melinda010100 for the contest and the entire Shadows Hunters family.

Feliz nueva semana para todos los amigos Hivers, primero que nada agradecerle a @melinda010100 por el concurso y a toda la familia Shadows Hunters.

These photographs are taken from last night in which I was having dinner and the house pet was observing me with a little face that you cannot imagine, immediately I noticed the shadow that her body showed me, I called my mother so that she would reach me for the phone and I could take it. these photographs.

Estás fotografías son tomadas de anoche en la cuál estaba cenando y la mascota de la casa me observaba con una carita que ni se imaginan, inmediatamente noté la sombra que su cuerpo me me mostraba llamé a mi mamá para que me alcanzará el teléfono y pude tomar estás fotografías.

As you can see, she is a very cute and affectionate kitten, but when she is hungry she looks to any of us to feed her. I stopped having dinner to photograph it and share it with all of you. When I finished I looked for his talk to give him what to eat 😺😺😺.

Cómo pueden ver es una gatita muy linda y cariñosa, pero cuando tiene hambre busca a cualquiera de nosotros para que le demos de comer. Dejé de cenar para fotografiarla y poder compartirla con todos ustedes. Al terminar busqué su platico para darle qué comer 😺😺😺.

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