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Reflection Hunters Contest Round ~44

Dear friends and all hive family who are working hard to arrange this contest. I appriciate your work and am entering my new post for contest 44 with lots of gratitude. today i was walking to our nearest supermarket to buy some fruits and veggies. i was quite in hurry to attend my work afterwards.

But suddelnly i had to stop at this canal where summertime all traditional wooden boats park but wintertime those are shifted to drydock. the canal freezs in winter. 10 days ago 1/3 canal was frozen when it was -6 C.But afterwards the temperature rose to +4 C and today the sun is shining very brightly. I used my old huwai moble for these photos.

The full view of canal

The northside where all boats are covered .

This is the fishermen's house. In the past this village was a fishing community. most fishermen would store their small equipment and tools in this house and it was used for meetings and social gatherings.
