Show Me A Shadow (SMASh) 210 - Wooden Staircase

Hello everyone. Glad I could still make it to this Round 210 of my favorite Contest, Show Me A Shadow (SMASh) hosted by @melinda010100. Rules and regulations can be found here for those still unaware of this very popular challenge. Read up and become a SMASher too.

Last week my daughter's all-women artist group, the Bai Hinang, held an art exhibit at one of the city's art galleries, La Herencia. The exhibit hall was at the second floor and one had to walk up a wooden staircase to get to it. At the ingress, meaning the time when the participating artists bring in their work to the site, I accompanied my daughter. As I was climbing up the staircase I noticed these shadows and I was in SMAShing mode immediately. Took a couple of shots, climbing and at the top.



The next evening I visited the art exhibit and noticed that they have displayed artworks along the staircase and it looked quite different.

Just goes to show what a lot of difference paintings can do to the ambiance of the place.


And that's about it folks. I hope you liked this simple entry. Thanks to all our delegators, sponsors @good-karma at @ecency, @pixresteemer, @taskmanager, #archon and our tireless judge @annephilbrick. Stay safe SMAShers and best of luck to all participants.

(All photos are mine.)

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