Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 243 - Monkey Bar Challenge

Hello Shadow Hunters. We welcome Round 243 of this very popular contest, the Show Me A Shadow or SMASh, hosted by @melinda010100 and judged by @annephilbrick. The contest post can be found here. Read all about this challenging and enjoyable competition and join us in the fun.

Two weeks ago, my grandson's preschool teacher called up to inform us that face to face classes will resume on the second week of November and that if we were still interested in enrolling him. Of course we said yes. We went to the school and enrolled him and afterwards my grandson, Matteo, helped himself in the playground, which almost 3 years ago he used to enjoy everyday after school.

Has it been that long? I remembered he was so small then he couldn't reach the handles of the monkey bars and that I had to hoist him up just for him to be able to reach the bars and hang for a few seconds before he let go of them. But now I was surprised, and so was he, when he not only was able to reach the bars but swing about moving from one bar to the next all by himself!





These photos just made me realize how time flies so fast. It won't be long when this bubbly bundle of joy will soon be on his own and would not be gramps sidekick and bodyguard anymore. A certain George F. Will just nailed it on the head when he said, "The future has a way of arriving unannounced." It really is so true.

The photo below is my entry to this Round.


And that's all folks. Thanking all our sponsors and delegators and community members for all their support. Keep safe everyone and may you all spend your precious time wisely and peacefully.

(All photos are mine.)

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