My entry to Reflection Hunters Contest - Round 34


Cuando comencé a hacer estos porta tarjetitas para marcar puestos en la mesa, no me imaginé que me darían pie para participar en este concurso. Son pequeñitos, pero verlos juntos combinando sus distintos reflejos que yo llamaría "navideños" me hizo buscar mi celular Vtelca para atrapar esta imagen para ustedes. Unos reflejos primorosos y alegres, lo que llamaríamos por acá "una monería"


When I started to make these little card holders to mark places at the table, I did not imagine that they would give me the opportunity to participate in this contest. They are tiny, but seeing them together combining their different reflections that I would call "Christmas" made me look for my Vtelca cell phone to catch this image for you. Some exquisite and happy reflections, what we would call around here "a cuteness"

Si deseas compartir tus fotos de reflejos y participar en este concurso convocado por @annephilbrick, lee sus bases clicando acá

If you want to share your photos of reflections and participate in this contest organized by @annephilbrick, read its bases by clicking here

Firma flor2.jpg

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