TINY DANCER FLYING HIGH~~~Show Me A Shadow Round 196

The summer months in the Northern part of the USA for me is the best time of the year. I love it hot, I enjoy swimming, gardening, going to the Jersey shore, but most of all I look forward to the frequent visits with my grandchildren. With school out of session during July and August the kids can sleep in, ride bikes, meet friends at the lake or come to the farm to go fishing or play in the pond.

My daughter-in-law is a teacher, which means no work for those summer months. Needless to say, it's perfect for her to recharge and spend quality time with her three children. She works hard all year long. She is aces.

I want to feature my granddaughter Mya in this post.

While spending a few days with my son and his family in July, I had my camera at the ready as I played with my beautiful granddaughter...

MYA GRACE. AND her shadow.

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This energetic child bounced for the better part of a half hour. She kept repeating "watch me grammy". Oh boy, I love that. I remember when her daddy would repeat those same words. "Watch me mommy". No grand included.


This little girl is also an amazing dancer. During a week long visit at the farm, we were all just hanging out on the deck, chatting and enjoying the summer sun, when Alicia Keys came on alexa with her famous song "Girl on fire".

Well, the next thing we knew, our vivacious tiny dancer went into action. She went into an interpretative dance of the song which included hair flipping, shoulder shaking, leg kicking as well as a finale with her laying on her side with hands under her chin with the most beautiful smile. She had us all up on our feet clapping. Pop gave her a $10 tip and thanked her for her marvelous performance.

It's the little things that means a lot, even when it's just a shadow of our tiny dancer bouncing.

May all #shadowhunters find joy in the little things.

Blessing and peace!

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