It was a gorgeous day in our neighborhood , the sun was shinning, the temperature was in the mid 70's, perfect day to get back to a project I started two weeks before.

The little stool that could.

This stool has been on the homestead for at least 20 years. Made of solid oak, this piece has been re-finished 3x, or it will be three, once I complete the painting.

A couple of weeks ago while planting some flowers in pots to place around on the decks, I came across this stool which had been left out all winter. The previous summer I had taken it out to place a bucket of coleus on it in the front yard.

After such a wet and cold winter and early spring, the elements had taken it's toll on the finish, peeling the varnish and discoloring the wood. So, with a small hand sander I went to work, grinding off the ugliness.

Amazingly, it didn't take too much sanding to get down to the bare wood. Now as I mentioned before, this stool was made of oak, a true hardwood, it was well constructed, no wobbles in the legs, just a real solid piece. But I wasn't happy with the graying of the wood, so for this third re-finish I decided to use paint instead of stain topped with varnish.

As I stepped back to see if this Caribbean Blue color was what I was looking for , this perfect shadow jumped out at me.


It was like a double whammy. My mind was thinking, oh, I should take some pictures, do a blog in the #diyhub. I was bummed I hadn't taken a before picture. You know, a before and after picture to show the ultimate improvement. Oh well, next time.


The shadows were enough for me to be excited, I knew I was going to show off these shadows in @melinda010100 contest in the #shadowhunters community.


I figured I would have a look around to see if there were any more interesting shadows.

The last of the winter wood was still sitting on the porch and cast a great shadow. It reminded me of the NYC skyline I remembered from when we lived in New Jersey. There was a road called Skyline Drive that went up and over a mountain that brought you to a major highway that could connect you to Route 287 north, then to Route 4 east, straight to the George Washington bridge. We lived pretty close to that big city, went into Manhattan many times over the years.


Totally random, this shadow was discovered when I went into the kitchen to clean my brush, boy o boy, shadows everywhere.


Shadow Hunting has become almost an obsession with me, I think it's such a cool way to look at objects differently, so thanks Mel, glad you taught me to look outside the box.

I want to thank @nelinoeva and @galenkp for the curation they do, it's time consuming work, so I am grateful .

Also, I want to thank @annephilbrick for being the judge of this fun contest, probably not an easy task. But if you want to get the job done, ask a busy lady.😊
You do a great job with the #reflection Hunters Contest also, thanks Anne.

Happy Hunting!

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