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Does anyone remember the "Where's WALDO" books? These books hid objects on their pages and you had to find them. There also was the ever present "Waldo", who actually as a child was hard for me to find.

So for this week's Reflection Hunters Contest I challenge you to find "thebigsweed". Or if you are a #silverblogger you may know him as Waldo , thebigsweed Longsilver~~ his sassy name.

I will give you a hint.

Maintaining the pond is a must, netting the edge of the pond is on the morning chore list here on the farm. We swim a lot over the summer and the grandkids keep us on our floats. The best time to scoop the rim to take out debris is in the early morning, as the water has settled overnight.

While you are searching for this guy, check out the beautiful reflection of the trees and my pink waterlilies. They are amazing flowers, they bloom several new flowers everyday during the summer here.

This big pink flower is also showing off a cool dark shadow and the water droplets on the pads are quite interesting also. I think I see a minnow, no, maybe a whale? An orca? Hehe, use your imagination in hive terms.😁

Back to the search.

Need another hint?, ok, ok. He's wearing blue pants.

As you can see, the water is clean and shimmering, catching some other lovely reflections.

My guess, by now all you hivers out there have found the hidden pool boy hubby. He's like the waterlilies, he pops up every morning at the water's edge.

Here' another cool reflection of the daylilies that grace our world.

Talk about #amazingnature. The center of this lily is so delicate and brilliantly colored, it's hard to believe these flowers do not need a lick of care, mother #nature does all the work.

Hope you enjoyed the searching game, as well as the reflections and the flowers on the homestead.

Have a blessed week!