Reflection Hunters Contest Round~32

Hellow Friends,

I am Fariduzzaman, your friend. Today I have appeared among you with another post.Today I will share with you some pictures of beautiful reflections. I like the pictures. I hope you like some of them.

I often go out for a walk. I walk and collect some beautiful pictures. I take all the pictures that I like with my own phone camera.



The village is natural Many ponds can be seen. Rows of bush trees above the dogs have created a reflection in the water of the ponds in the shade of the bush trees. The boundless beauty of nature can be seen in New Action.


In the nursery, there are some small ponds made to water the trees from time to time. The reflection of the shadow of the nursery tree can be seen in the water of the pond.


Another picture of the village pond. There are many types of trees planted in this pond. Banana trees lined up on the banks of the pond. Different types of trees and plants have their shade in the pond water. It is very nice to see their shade in the pond water.


This is my tab. There are different reflections of outside light in the middle of the tab. Very nice to see the reflections. I like to see the reflections. I love to collect pictures of reflection.


Inside the garden, the glass windows of the bungalow house show the shadows of different trees in the garden of the bungalow house. It is very nice to see the reflections. I like the reflections very much.

Friends, these were some of the reflections I took while walking. I like the pictures very much. I hope you like them too.If you like the pictures of this refraction, please let me know by commenting. Your comment will inspire me to write the next day's post.

My Divice Information

DeviceWalton RM4
Photo EditorPixelLab

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